groundnut farming
What are the rainfall and soil requirements for groundnuts ?\r\nHow many varieties do we have and what are their maturity periods and their yield?
The required rainfall is 550 evenly distributed throughout the growing period.
Well-drained, friable sandy loam soils are preferred.
Plant on well-loosened soil.
Maturity periods are between 90 and 120 days depending on variety.
Crop Var. Maturity Yield/ha.
1. Mani Pintar -120 days 2.5 -3.0 t/ha
2. Shi-Tao-Chi -90-100 days 2.2 -2.5t/ha
3. F- mix -120 days -2.5t/ha
4. Sinkarzie -120 days -2.5t/ha0
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