Rounding up in farming


  • Round Up turbo 450 is a systemic weedicide. It works by going through the leaves and the stem to kill the roots and it must always be sprayed on the leaves.
    It will not work well on vegetation that is about 1m high.
    Slash such vegetation and allow it to grow.
    Do not slash vegetation that is below knee high/40cm.
    Spray weedicide with a knapsack sprayer fitted with a low volume nozzle, 200 -250ml/15 liter knapsack of water to spray Y4 acre.
    Do not spray very early in the morning when there is dew on the leaves or during cloudy weather when it is evident that it will rain.
    At least 4 hours of dry period is needed after spraying to ensure effective spraying.
    Never mix the weedicide with dirty water because it will not work.
    Soil particles can also clog the nozzle of the sprayer.
    Wait for 10-14 days to see signs of weeds dying.
    Plant your maize directly through the burnt weeds.
    This process is also known as No Till/Zero Tillage.

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